I don’t mind admitting that at first I was struggling with module 1. Never haven written a reflective essay before I didn’t really know where to start. So I did what I always do - I googled a lot and I just got on with it and hoped for the best. Having discussed my draft with Helen and reflected on it I realise that this course really suits me. I have realised that I do learn best through experience - I always have. But now I am beginning to understand that by reflecting on those experiences, thinking about how I felt and looking back with a critical eye I can use the experience more fully to help shape my Professional Practice going forward. Discussing the mapping diagram really helped. I think I have said before- my dyslexia means I think in quite a straight forward way when it comes to academia - I take things and instructions quite literally. So originally I had planned a diagram or a piece of choreography, but after the discussions I really wanted to develop my tree ide...