Digital Dancer

 Hi this is my first ever blog and I don't mind admitting I am a little confused.

Having just returned from my first ever job abroad, dancing in Greece in the sunshine, I find myself in a rainy cold part of Yorkshire writing a blog ! Not what I expected to be doing and having missed the first 7 weeks of Uni trying to get to grips with what I am supposed to be doing wasn't easy.

I wouldn't say I am very good with technology but I have so far managed to create a blog and found other bloggers to connect with - although this has taken me some time. I am now a Digital Dancer - I am going to use Tech to improve and develop my Dance !

I am using this Blog to share my thoughts and studies on how I view my Professional Practice as a Dancer, what has shaped that Practice and how I see it developing and growing with me. I hope to share my past, present and future experiences, influences, my hopes, thoughts, worries and questions. By interacting in this way with other like minded people and colaborating together, hopefully I can develop that Practice and be the Dancer I want to be.

The Field of Dance is vast and can be undervalued by those who have not yet found its value. There are many issues to be faced in this field, inequalities to be addressed - just as in other Professional Fields ,but there is so much joy that can be found in it and I hope to be able to develop and have an influence in the Dance World.

Having read the Handbook I was a little anxious about whether I could do this. So I decided to connect immediately and look at other BAPP blogs - I was so relieved to read other blogs created in their first few weeks where others were also confused and then to read their later blogs where they have obviously managed to get to grips with the course. I also found the course supervisors blogs and I feel a lot more confident. 

Having had to think about my Professional Practice over the last few days, reading others blogs and reading the manual I began to think about my most current experience finding work and how this highlights some of the inequalities in the Field of Dance. In order to work in Greece I had to make 2 trips to London, have a medical examination, undergo blood tests, buy all the essentials and book flights to Greece. Discussing this with my peers it made me realise not everyone could have afforded that. Auditions in London are expensive and again not everyone can afford those - these inequalities affect peoples opportunities and careers. I think this is one of the things I will reflect on in a later post - maybe the digital era can help improve this.

Hope you enjoyed my first blog, please leave any comments below x x


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