
I don’t mind admitting that at first I was struggling with module 1. Never haven written a reflective essay before I didn’t really know where to start.

So I did what I always do - I googled a lot and I just got on with it and hoped for the best. Having discussed my draft with Helen and reflected on it I realise that this course really suits me. 

I have realised that I do learn best through experience - I always have. But now I am beginning to understand that by reflecting on those experiences, thinking about how I felt and looking back with a critical eye I can use the experience more fully to help shape my Professional Practice going forward.

Discussing the mapping diagram really helped. I think I have said before- my dyslexia means I think in quite a straight forward  way when it comes to academia - I take things and instructions quite literally. So originally I had planned a diagram or a piece of choreography, but after the discussions I really wanted to develop my tree idea. 

I did as Helen suggested and went to be with a tree whilst thinking about my Professional Practice.

 I felt the tops of the roots anchoring the tree but also feeding it. The tree needs the correct conditions to grow, something missing or something toxic will kill it. There roots keep growing too - like me I need to keep learning new things, absorbing new ideas, connecting with others to be able to grow

The strong trunk, a solid core, but also a protective bark covering what is inside. There is so much inside unseen.

Growth obviously but also twists and turns which to me represent opportunities, mistakes, different pathways. Growth is upwards but also outwards.. The trees form a canopy for others to shelter under.

The scars a tree bares can be obvious sometimes, in the surface. They can represent injury, upset, disappointment all of which I have felt whilst developing my professional practice. But the trees can also be sick inside - such a sad thought making me think about my friends with anorexia.

Trees move and bend Performing their own dances. They are in their own world and nothing can stop their dance. They are what they are - a tree - and yet they have a whole other set of skills. They bare fruit giving the fruit wings to fly, they provide shelter for other animals influencing them. 

They provide joy to those who admire them. They change with the seasons. They are resilient, they can be damaged and grow back. They can be fun and being so much joy to our environment , children play in them, others like to sit under them and read, people hug them. 

When they are older they appear wise, we use them for other things like paper, or for building things. We make sure we grow new ones for the next generation.

We couldn’t survive without them - they provide us with oxygen. To me this is what the arts are - we need them too.

The pandemic highlighted how we have suffered by not practising our art. Humans need art to thrive just like we need trees.

All of these emotions match how i I feel about my Professional Practice. A tree is beautiful but a wood or a forest is amazing. Dancers can be the same ~ wonderful on their own but put them in a group and you have a Forrest.

I could go on but now I have to put all these feelings into my piece. I am definitely doing a tree. I don’t want to do a piece of choreography as I want a visual that shows how I feel about my Professional Practice in one go. 

I’m still not sure how I am going to label my tree or if indeed I need to? I was thinking maybe a voice over or narrative exploring the above or maybe standing my tree in front of a collage? Any ideas would be greatly received.

I hope all this is making sense please comment 👇 many thanks xx
