Jumping Back in

Jumping Back in – Leaving Work to Start a PhD | FindAPhD.com

So...I feel like it's been a while since I have posted a blog on here. I decided to take a break from this course when I started my first contract onboard a cruise ship. I was determined I was going to be able to study and work at the same time- however for me personally I struggled a lot with this. I realised I didn't know a single thing about working on a cruise ship until I was thrown in at the deep end (literally!) Also being dyslexic I really struggle to self motivate to complete my work- and this course hasn't been the easiest for me. 

I decided to focus on getting through my contract as there were many hurdles that came my way that I did not expect. I did however, always have this course in the back of my mind and I constantly made mental notes which I want to explore here and also link back to my practice. From the second I walked into rehearsals there they were-Bam- these big long wide mirrors taking up the whole room. Suddenly I was back in college and I could feel myself starting to overthink. Anyway I quickly discouraged these thoughts and got on with it. However it didn't just stop there. Certain comments were made about how the costumes may not fit certain individuals unless something changed. And this made me think- even in the professional industry this is accepted as normal- to tell someone they need to loose weight. My mind was baffled as even though comments and situations like this happen all the time in the industry, we still continue to love it and we keep dancing. I will always love dancing and my passion for it overrides anyones opinion, and I'm sure its the same for most of you out there! If anyone has any comments or thoughts about this please feel free to comment below.

 Anyway I will be exploring this more in Module three and I am ready to jump back in and I am excited to continue learning and being inspired through this course. 


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