Reflecting ….
“It wont always be comfortable”
This is the one thing I try to remind myself from the Module Handbooks. I really have to read and read the handbooks to help me with my essays / thoughts and especially reflection.
I often think I’m not capable for this course - I find the words so difficult to understand - being dyslexic doesn’t help - although I’m convinced being dyslexic helps my Dance - so I guess it’s a good part of me. It’s part of my practice and so I have to accept and reflect on that when it comes to the academic side of my practice.
Sometimes I think I’m moving forward and other times I just want to quit. But even typing that I know I’m learning from this course even if I don’t understand the terminology.
When I find the work hard I pause and remember how hard I found it last time or how I found a Dance hard to learn or a situation hard to cope with. By thinking about how I behaved and what went well and what didn’t go quite so well for each experience helps me with the next. I think I am beginning to realise this is critical reflection.
I’m a learner that needs a pattern - just like dance I guess. This is my list for critical reflection:-
What did I do, what happened,
What did I expect, what was different
How did I feel, react
What did I learn
Did the experience change my opinions/ understanding
Did I have any strengths or weaknesses
Why was the experience important
How do I apply what I learned
What will I do differently next time
I have completed my Inquiry Proposal and I’ve fine the literary review but I find the Critical Writing bit hard. I’m not sure if I even understand the question ! Does anyone else feel like this.
So I’ve had to go back basics and think about my list.
I’ve blogged this so I can refer back to it next time I’m confused - hopefully it might help someone else too
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